Hello there bloggies! Welcome to Wishful Wednesday!

It has been about 1 month of blogging here at Dr. F’s Random Thoughts. One of my goals this year was to start a blog and stick with it. I made a schedule at the start of posting 4 times a week on 4 difference topics. So far, I am happy to say I have not missed a blog post yet!

I wanted to take a moment to reflect on this first month of blogging:

  1. Planning and scheduling have been vital for me. If I had to decided to only post when I felt like it, I probably would have posted 2-3 times and then forgotten about it. Posting is now becoming part of my weekly routine. In that same vein, I try to plan out blog posts a week at a time. I never want to be caught without an idea or a topic the day of. On a more micro scale, I have outlined almost every blog post. It focuses my writing on main points, makes sure I don’t ramble and ramble (for too long anyway), and that I say everything I want to.
  1. Four posts a week is a lot. I may have been a bit ambitious. It can be quite difficult to find time to write, revise, and edit four posts a week. Coming up with topics can also be a challenge (but again, planning has helped with this). I try to do a little writing most nights or during lunch at work. But, some days after lab and working out, I can be just far too exhausted to think and write.
  1. I think I am far too wordy in my writing. I am hoping to write more clearly and with fewer words in the future. I think it will not only make my posts better, but also help me in my science and fiction writing.
  1. I like to number things. I guess I like organization.
  1. It is quite hard to know how I am doing at this blogging thing. I have had 215 views and 133 visitors according to the site’s stats. To me, that is pretty darn good for my first month. I was exciting when I got to 10 visits. It is pretty cool to think that people out there are reading these posts. It would be cool to get some feedback on which posts people like and which people don’t like as much. (Feel free to let me know below or on twitter).
  1. The most important thing to me is that I enjoy writing for this blog. I never really think of it as work. I actively make time for it and hope to do so for the upcoming months. I hope someone out there enjoys it too!

I’m thrilled that I have made it through my first month of blogging. I can’t wait to see how the blog evolves in the upcoming weeks and months. I hope you all keep visiting and enjoy it. Let me know what you think of the blog so far. Both good things and bad things. I’m a postdoc in science, I am used to criticism :). Comment below or on twitter @DrFsThoughts.

See ya on Fitness Friday!

-Dr. F